This book arrives auspiciously during the centenary of the 1916 Rising. We argue that the Irish State has wandered far afield from the ideals, character, ethos, and aspirations of its founders. Ireland today sadly lacks these qualities, stumbling along with no overarching vision or purpose and questionable reserves of moral courage.
Ours is a country where money, markets and multinationals, not meaning, memory and morality, dominate! Why did this happen? How can it be changed? We argue passionately that a proper legacy of the Rising, and the Revival that preceded and inspired it, is a balanced approach that focuses on the development of globally competitive indigenous enterprises, characterised by authenticity, tradition, integrity, sustainability and a distinctive sense of place.
We propose a way forward to rejuvenate a true enterprise spirit, and generate the innovative, dynamic and equitable society that was fought for, but never achieved, a century ago. This inspiring book will be of special interest to anyone concerned with the development of a successful Irish society and economy in the twenty-first century.
Paperback: 128 pages
Publisher: Teach Aniar, Baile Átha Cliath 16 [Dublin 16], Ireland (12 May 2016)
Language: English
ISBN: 978-0-9954626-0-1
Product Dimensions: 21.0 x 14.7 x 0.8 cm
Order online for €15 (excluding postage and packaging)
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