Visit to Áras an Uachtaráin

Presenting President Higgins with a copy of Gombeens at the Gate.

It was a great honour for me and my co-author, James Kennelly, to spend time yesterday morning at Áras an Uachtaráin where we presented President Michael D. Higgins with a copy of our book Gombeens at the Gate.

We were thrilled that President Higgins spent over an hour of his valuable time discussing the contents of the book with us over coffee. We enjoyed very much our discussion with the President, especially since it offered us a wonderful opportunity to hear his own perspectives on a range of Irish development issues discussed in our book.

Ba mhór an onóir do Jim agus mé féin am comh luachmar mar é a chaitheamh i dteannta Uachtaráin na hÉirinn.   Bhain an beirt againn an-pléisiúr as an gcomhrá, agus ag éisteacht ach go háirithe le tuairimí an Uachtaráin maidir leis na cúrsaí atá pléite againn sa leabhar.

7 November/Samhain 2016

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